Developer: Topaz Residential Pte. Ltd. (202324709C) & Topaz Commercial Pte. Ltd. (202324713H) Vendor: Topaz Residential Pte. Ltd. Housing Developer’s License Number: C1513 Tenure Of Land: 99 years Commencing From 09 October 2023 Encumbrances: Caveat IJ/126176T in favour of DBS Bank Ltd. Expected Date Of NOVP: 30 June 2030 Expected Date Of Legal Completion: 30 June 2033 Lot & Mukim Number: Lot 03326X MK29 at Tampines Avenue 11
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Disclaimer: While every reasonable care has been taken in preparing this website and in constructing the models and showflats, the developer and the marketing agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions. Visual representations, models, showflat displays and illustrations, photographs, art renderings and other graphic representations and references are intended to portray only artistic impressions of the development and cannot be regarded as representation of fact. Floor areas are approximate measurements and subject to final survey. The property is subject to inspection by the relevant authorities to comply with the current codes of practice. All information, specifications, renderings, visual representations and plans are current at the time of publication and are subject to change as may be required by us and/or the competent authorities sand shall not be regarded as statements or representations of facts. All plans are subject to amendments as directed and/or approved by the building authorities. All areas are approximate measurements only and subject to final survey. The Sales and Purchase Agreement shall form the entire agreement between us, the Developer and the Purchaser and shall supersede all statements, representations or promises made prior to the signing of the Sale and Purchase Agreement and shall in no way be modified by any statements, representations or promises made by us or the Marketing Agent.